Control Electronics
The new RTC6 control board enables powerful applications and is ready for future functional extensions, because it is equipped with expanded memory and a high-performance DSP and FPGA. Optionally very high pixel frequencies up to 3.2 MHz can be achieved.
The RTC6 board is specially designed for excelliSCAN scan head control.
When synchronously controlling the excelliSCAN and a laser, the RTC6 takes into account the SCANahead control's lookahead time (used for computing scanner trajectories) so as to optimally utilize dynamic performance and accuracy. The RTC6's auto-delay functionality facilitates simple, fast excelliSCAN deployment. This frees users from needing to determine or define laser and scanner delays.
The RTC5 control board provides synchronous, interference-resistant control of scan systems, lasers and peripheral equipment in real time. It is available as a PC interface board, PCI-Express board, or PCIe/104 module.
The RTC5 supports all extended functions of iDRIVE technology integrated in scan systems with digital servo electronics.
Control and Versatility
The RTC4 series of control boards is available with two different interfaces:
PCI Express (RTC4 PCIe)
Ethernet (RTC4 Ethernet)
These boards enable synchronous, real-time control of scan systems and lasers. Included DLLs facilitate straightforward program development under Windows. Every 10 μs, a 16-bit control signal is transmitted to the scan system. The RTC board´s processor performs vital steps such as micro-vectorization and image field correction.
RTC Software
Scope of delivery
Each RTC board includes a CD with the following:
Drivers for the current versions of Microsoft Windows − with plug-and-play support for RTC PC interface boards and the ability to operate multiple RTC boards simultaneously. RTC SCANalone boards can be simply attached to a PC's USB port.
A DLL and import declarations for binding of RTC commands to user programs.
An HPGL converter utility for straight-forward testing of RTC operation and scan system control. Images in HPGL format can be loaded and output to an RTC board.
iSCANcfg program for querying iDRIVE info when using intelliSCAN systems.
Individually calculated correction files (when ordering a package including a scan system) enable precise positioning of the laser focus and constant scan speeds (see below).